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True position of slot


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I'm hoping for a bit of help on the "best way" to approach measuring true position of these slots while utilizing all of the MMC.
My current approaches have been unsuccessful. I created a symmetry point for each slot and then created an alignment to the symmetry point but I'm not getting my bonus on the .010. Is that because it is not a feature of size? I also created a line(3d) from the 2 points the created the symmetry and tried some thinks that way but to no avail.
Any thoughts would be appreciated.


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In the true position characteristic, you need to change the tolerance zone to "only y", or whatever applies to you. Once you do that, the MMC icon won't be grayed out.

If it still doesn't work, you can make a formula for your tolerance. (getActual(slot).length - .315) + .01)
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Use 2 planes for the sides and recall those 2 features into a symmetry plane. Then you can use MMC.

Or, you can do the "old school" Calypso hack and construct a perpendicular to the sides, create a midpoint, create a circle on that location, use the length of the perp and position of the midpoint to drive the circle geometry, and use that circle for your MMC. Clear as mud.
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I create circles with formulas from the slot's X-Y-Z locations and then use the slot's diameter and width for the circles diameters. This allows me to pick up the slot as only a slot and doesn't require additional symmetry measurements or planes on the sides of the slots. I work in sheet metal so I don't have the thickness of material required to make these additional planar measurements.
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