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PCM and curves


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I have a family of parts and am using PCM in one "master" program to measure the whole family. I'm off to a pretty good start, but I have a lot of 2d curves. How do I tailor one curve to fit multiple sizes? The guy that taught my PCM class didn't seem to know?
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I just closed my Calypso down, but i have a thought.
Do 2d curves move with 2ndary alignments?
If so then you can have a blank alignment with only a formula in the offset.
recall value OFFSET will be determined by the parafile.

I do this with Free form, not in the running of a program but to move a complex surface up and down to fit to the next size cad model when programming.
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Maybe you have to take curve Training; I'm personally fan of curves with PCM.

Something to start:

I don't recommend to use the parameter data function (Point Generator), because makes the program slow, instead of that I prefer to generate the nominal values in text files.

This is a simple exercise to generate a radius section:

START =     -20    	// start evaluation angle
END   =      30      	// end evaluation angle
Radius=  30    		// Radius  
step= 0.10          	// points step

Nomvalues="xNom    yNom    zNom    uNom    vNom    wNom    lTol    uTol    maskEval    maskBF" +cr() 

numberofpoints=   int(( END - START ) /step )

for i=1 to numberofpoints
X= cos(START) * Radius
Z=sin(START) * Radius
Nomvalues= Nomvalues + formatR(X ,0,10)+ chr(9)  + "0"  + chr(9) + formatR(Z ,0,10)+ chr(9) + formatR(cos(START) ,0,10) + chr(9)  +  "0"  + chr(9)  + formatR(sin(START) ,0,10)  + chr(9)  + formatR(-0.01)  + chr(9)  + formatR(0.01)  + chr(9) + "0" +  chr(9) + "0"  +cr() 


next i

deleteFile(getActualInspectionDir() + "\Nominal.txt")
addToFile(getActualInspectionDir() + "\Nominal.txt",Nomvalues)

Then you can read the nominal file in the curve feature during CNC:


with this method is important to enable this option in the curve scanning strategy:

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Looks like the program I have uses a secondary alignment for the
curve with X/Y/Z offsets in the .para files relative the different part sizes.

The size/shape of the curve is constant, while XY&Z locations change.
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