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Entire CMM shaking with clearance moves


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On our Micura, it sometimes shakes the entire table when stopping between moves in the clearance plane. While I can and do adjust the probing force and speed within each feature, I am unsure of how to adjust (and what to adjust) for clearance plane moves to tone the CMM down. What settings should I change and where do I find those settings?

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Zeiss CMM's are designed to "shake" during movement. There are 3 rubber pads between the granite and the steel base that allow the machine to move in order to dampen the effect of momentum. When it's actually measuring something, the shaking is probably negligible. Unless there is something mechanically wrong, I'd say you're probably ok.
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I also noticed, after we had moved to Calypso, that our CMMs shaked quite a lot when I was using the clearance distance as it was set by default (10 mm I think). I wasn't concerned by the shaking however, but more by the fact that it slowed down any run considerably and was an unnecessary stop for 99% of the features we measure. So I started to leave the clearance distance set to 0 which made the CNC runs faster and also reduced shaking a lot, especially on machines with high acceleration.
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I used to have one of the old UMC 850's that was manufactured in West Germany. It had air bags under the granite that would inflate and deflate based on the machines momentum. It was crazy how much that thing would tilt and rock.
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