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Status window error codes


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We have several Zeiss machines and unfortunately have people who operate them that shouldn't.
I have been saving the Status window logs to try to keep an idea of what is going on when i am not here.
Last night I don't know what they did but there are codes and errors I have not seen.

Is there anywhere that these error codes are listed to give me a better idea of what the heck they did or were doing??
The log is almost 2 hours of errors, restarts and collisions. I had a mess when i came in this morning.

I know 23 is a missed hit and 33 is an actual collision, but the others I am not sure.I have attached images of the log if it helps.

Thank You in advance

Micura Status Log1.PNGMicura Status Log2.PNGMicura Status Log3.PNG

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I had searched the forum first and didn't find much on the codes.

A bit more detail of the events on last night,
I received an email about 8:30pm last night, that somehow they crashed it into the probe rack.
Then another one at 8:45pm saying he fixed it. He being someone who isn't supposed to be "fixing" it. He "fixed" it in the past and created tons of issues that time too.
and then another at 10pm stating that they are having issues with probes not changing.

It wasn't until this morning when i got here and looked at the status log that i found out they had been messing with it for 2 hours last night instead of letting it be and waiting for me to fix it.

We have too many people that don't know what they are doing and don't respect the CMMs for what they are that are operating and now "fixing" them.
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Not sure what type of CMM you have but, I can tell you from experience that we once had a tech run the z-axis column into one of the probe racks and knocked the CMM out of square. Probe qualification WILL NOT detect the CMM being out of square.

This was on a 12ft Accura CMM with a vast scanning probe on it.

The tech somehow hit the probe rack with the side of the Z column, not the probe head.
Because he was a tech, we assumed he knew what he was doing and didn't know it was out of square until two days later we checked a housing type of part that was about 3 foot tall and 4ft long and the front and back faces showed 0.200mm out of perpendicular to the bores going thru the middle of the housing and we knew that wasn't right.
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There are two of us (programmers) and one guy on nights that attended the
basic class. He is able to take care of most minor problems during that shift.

Besides autorun, We use Poke Yoke fixturing along with clear set-up instructions.
Inevitably, some "know it all" will do something stupid, and oops there's $10,000.00 down the drain.
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We do utilize the autorun. That is why I am not sure why or how this occurred

Do you all have it where they can't change probes? Ours is currently set to where they can change the probes (Automatic and Manual) but that is so the Night shift Tech can qualify the probes while there is light use. (The tech that does the probes is not the one who created this mess).

The Machine is a Micura 5/5/5 with a Vast XTR.
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Right, the only probe changes allowed are the ones in the
program.We gave the night shift guy a different password
with more rights that allows only him to qualify styli.
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Can you verify any serious damage?

We created an artifact that we use if there has been a crash.
Measuring this artifact tells us enough to either fell warm and
fuzzy, or down in the dumps.
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We don't have anything like that to verify the machine.

What kind of options would I have that I could try to verify the squareness?
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That was a good one 🤣
Give me 3 minutes of acces to the PC and all your defenses will be down.
Sorry, but Calypso's security is nothing more than a nice joke. 🙄
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Although a bigger part/area would be preferred, you could use something as simple as a precision 1,2,3 block to check squareness.

If you're out of square/perpendicular from one side to the other, you could project the error out to see how big of error you may have a longer lengths.
The key is making sure whatever you use has been verified to be square to begin with and I'm not sure all 1,2,3 blocks are.
If quality doesn't have anything, sometimes a maintenance department will have a master square to help level and set machines.
You might have a local gauge calibration company that might have something you could borrow or rent?

It probably wouldn't be perfect, mines not, but, you might be able to take a height stand and indicator place in on the CMM granite, set the indicator to zero and move the Z axis up and down to see if it stays at zero. Again, not the best way because the CMM is CAA corrected but, if you seen a lot of change while moving the column up and down, I'd be a bit concerned because by design, it should be close, on both the front and side of the column .
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So, is there a way to lock out the handbox for different users?
That way if something does happen, the user MUST get a tech or myself and it would make it where they can't play with the machine at all.

We had a shift lead tell a worker to go play with the CMM a few weeks ago, and they crashed it. Was a different machine but yeah, that is what I am working with...... 😠
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