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Line Code


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Is their anyway to see just the command/code in detail with Calypso? From what I can gather they hide the code under the windows and pop ups lol.

Guess I am going back to DMIS days
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I may be wrong...... but
I think Command line interface vs. GUI is at the heart of what separates PCD & Calypso.
I think teams of engineers have spent their careers keeping it that way..
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I just realized this wall of text isnt of any value to anyone. But if I wasted my time on writing it, Im also going to post it.

This is a long post to answer Mikes question. But also to prove Roberto wrong 🙂

Not that this will add anything of value, how ever. I had to Google "line code" since I tought that where something else. And it is, but based on the other answers in this thread I now understand. (English isnt my native language and sometimes Im really retarded 🙂

There aint any source code like you are asking for in Calypso. Its object oriented in its purest form. (keep reading)
Sure, most of the objects contain a row or two. Or 100, but line after line, like you see in C#, Basic or Dmis is very rare. It's not like a webpage where you an right click a show source code. Because everything you see might be a result of messaging numerous different classes and thousands of objects. It just doesnt work in that way. A measurement plan is like its own solar system in the universe of Calypso. (Omg, Im a poet!)

Think of it as Newtons cradle. One object (ball) sends a message to next object that does something and passes it to the next etc. Once the last object is done it returns the finished message back. Now, imagine Newtons cradle with thousands of balls colliding in every direction. A self contained chaos of perfect order and logic. This is also the explaination to why Calypso is so darn slow. Its the nature of the language. Powerful? Absolutely. Slow? Amen!
But its also modular, in the mening it comunicates with other programs. Like the cad engine, as a well known example. I think that is handled by a UDP connection sending and reciveing syntax. But dont take my word for it. I've never had any intrest in network stuff. I could tell you a upd joke though, but Im not sure you get it. 👩‍🏫

Well, back to what I was trying to say.
You exclusivly work with classes, methods, objects. Where everything happens by one object sending a message to another. There isnt very much keyboard punching involved. I have a small crush on Python, but even something pretty simple usually ends up with thousands of rows. Thats also "object oriented", but in comparison, Python is like a grandpa with a smartphone. "Calypso" is like the whole anonymous collective together, playing at a nasa facillity. Smalltalk is just wow. Simply wow.

Funny fact: (atleast to geeks) Zeiss wrote this software in a language that evaluates 1+2*3 to 9, not 7. How about that! 🙂

Objects is the whole reason that the programs dont stop working when you move stuff around in your features or characteristics. The whole feature is an object (It also consists of many, many other objects). Doesnt matter where in the code it exists, it will comunicate with what ever it needs when its executed. Dmis will die, since if you move something, you must make sure it already have everything it needs to execute properly. Same goes with basic. Well basic was dead upon arrivel...

I recall reading a very old flyer about Calypso. And this flexibillity was the main taget. Achiveing something in a cmm software that the world have never seen before. And in my opinion, they did it. With a big IT. (not everything is gold, some stuff sucks, just trying to fit a bigger picture here)

This whole concept can be confusing, but once you grip oop you will puke on other stuff. Compiling to byte code is really fast upon execution, but writing it its not as intuitive as oop*. (That usually needs a interpreter.)

*(Oop is procedural programming in an different concept.)

Now I will answer Mikes question. Yes you can read the "source code". It will be very confusing unless you know what it is you are looking at. Its totally self contained and can actually be run on unix, linus or theoretically a smartphone. The interpreter "compile" the code upon runtime. But again, doesnt matter if you are a basic, dmis, c++ or vb wizard. You wont understand a f#ucking thing of it unless you know smalltalk. The syntax is very different. Not hard, just different. And Calypso as a program is not a good beginner image to poke around in. Its very advanced and messy. (From what Ive been told of course.)

DISCLAIMER: I strongly encourage everyone to stay away. Its illegal to reverse engineer this software. Im only saying that it is POSSIBLE, (in the sense that it's not impossible). Not saying that anyone is to try. I remind everyone about the eula.

How ever, you can get a free license from cincom for non commercial purpouse. If you wish to learn. But there is basicly no "community" to recive help from. And the very limited community that does exist is not very active by todays standard. And they arn't that willing to help actually. (I get it, The market isnt big, they dont like to give free knowlage to potential future job stealers.) And if you are to learn something new, go for something that you can make money on. Smalltalk is not dead, not dying, but it is that lonley outsider that smells funny.

And finally, no Roberto, (I have nothing against you. On the contrary, I like you. You always try to help people.) but no. The heart of difference is not CLI vs GUI. Its Functional/Procedural Programming vs Object Oriented Programming. Thats not something that can be argued. Period!

Its funny, we never seem to agree 🙂 I cant help to think of the discussion we would have after a few beers and I realize you dont hate Djurgården 🙂
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I always think of it the other way rond: It's unbelievable that this monster is still that fast. Reminds me a bit of good old UMESS 300 which was written in a kind of BASIC interpreter. The only thing it did in machine language (implementetd as an interpreter command) was the CAA correction. And yet it was pretty fast - at least for it's time. Funny fact: that lanaguage has survived until today in the form of controller macros.
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I get this response from many people, especially on the interwebs....... 🙂
By the way i didn't read that harry potter book you wrote, ill wait for the movie.
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