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Min and Max Question


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Hey Guys,

I have a question I do a lot of FIA inspection and I work with parts that have multiple holes, diameters, positons, angles, etc. I would like to know what is the best way to get the Min and Max of these characteristics or actual measured diameters / dimensions. For example, I have a shaft that has 13 diameters with a range from .497 - .501. So I would measure it 13 times and have the report printout the results thirteen different sizes. But I just want to know how to get a function to printout the results with a Max and Min Range.


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If I'm understanding what you're wanting to do, the simple, maybe the most repeatable way, would be to use the 2-point diameter characteristic found under size, standards.
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How about using Minimum and Maximum result under Size/More. You can choose multiple characteristics. You will need to create a characteristic for each item, but you can mask them and just report the Min/Max on your report.
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