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Edge deviation not applying to polylines/grids


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Good morning all.
I've noticed that edge deviation is not applying the specified radii to my vertices. No matter what value I place in the edge deviation field for both polylines & grids the result is always a 90 degree corner.

Is there a setting somewhere where this could have been accidentally disabled at? Are the vertex radii not visualized in the tool path? Or as usual am I just doing something foolish! 😜

I know I can manually add radii to each vertex, but that would be prohibitively time consuming and isn't that what edge deviation is for?!

Thank you all! 🧑‍💻

single vertex polyline 1657_49017df4c4f6193873d79cc9875f49f9.jpg
grid 1657_0a51fcd45779ffc3567fb150765836a6.jpg
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It appears that it doesn't shown in the cad window but DOES follow the prescribed deviation when performing the path physically.

So I guess the question now is, "is there a way to make it visible in the cad window"?
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As far as I know the only way to see the edge deviation is to see the actual path by showing the actual points. If you are programing offline you can still hit execute now on the feature to have "actuals" show up. It will change based on the edge deviation but it isn't quite the same as what the probe does, the actual probe will deviate a bit more then what the path looks like when executed on the offline seat.
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