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Program not moving to CNC mode after alignment


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I copied a program that was written on a 6.2 caypso to my 5.8 caypso.
the program runs perfect when I run it step by step manually.

once I try to run it fully (manual alignment than switching to CNC mode) it does not switch to CNC mode and once the automatic alignment is done it goes to the clearance plane and does not move.

the strange thing is that the traffic light is still green so it appearance the program is still running but static.

any thoughts on how to resolve without re-writing the program?

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I'm not sure that 6.2 is backwards capable to 5.8.

I'll have to research it, but I'm thinking I am correct. If so then you will have to re write your prg
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it is not the first time I have copied programs between the two versions. we do that all the time. but this issue is a new one for me

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My first guess would be that this particular program is using some setting in a feature or characteristic that is
available in 6.2 but not in 5.8 and Calypso does not know what to do. I would look at the first feature or characteristic it
is trying to measure. If that doesn't work trying running the program with just one characteristic selected and see if it will run.

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