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Thoughts on Sharing Alignment with multiple programs.


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So as i've stated over & over, i almost always program parts in families.
Current project is no different and i get to thinking about doing something i've never had the guts to do before, give each program in a series the same alignment name.
The way we fixture the parts, the datum plane & line & point are always held in the same place regardless of how thick the part is, so what would be the cons of having 1 alignment for multiple programs?
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Q to Steven & Owen.
So we have a dedicated place where we run all these parts, but if for some reason were to move the fixture, would doing an alignment on 1 part cause all parts to be updated?

FYI, all my alignments have features named exactly the same, Dat A plane, Dat B Line, Dat C point.
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Yes,in my experience, the alignment as it is named and shared would update and you wouldn't have to do a manual alignment on each program to tell it where it is.
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Just as Owen Said, One manual BA for all programs with the same BA Name.

Feature names and strategies are irrelevant, just as long at the x,y,z 0 is the same.

For example: we run a family of parts that share a BA, but we probe different areas (Features) depending on the Machining fixture locations.
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