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Force Probe Qualification


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I have some stylus built on basses that are not used daily and some not even weekly. Is there a way to set them up in Calypso to force a qualification before use on a time base? For example if a stylus has not been qualified for 2 weeks it can not be used until it is qualified?? I thought I read some where that this could be done so when you tried to use this stylus it would come up red needing qualified. I'm running Conturas with Calypso Version 6.6.16.

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So I did this and it did not work I even set it up for 1 hour and still nothing. I took a screen shot of what I have check, am I missing something or doing something wrong?? I thought it was pretty straight forward.


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Yeah, I missed a step. You'll need to go to Resources>Stylus system>Stylus Check at CNC Start>...for all Measurement Plans... and change the global value from the default "No Check at CNC Start" to whatever your desired behavior is. This will set default behavior for every measurement plan on that machine, since individual programs default to following the global value. If you want a specific program to behave a specific way, you change it in Stylus Check at CNC Start>...for this Measurement Plan... and it will ignore the global setting in favor of its own.
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