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Online classes


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Things are a bit slow here at work right now so I've been encouraged to do some online studying. I noticed a online o-inspect and calypso cad that is offered that might be good for me to brush up on the basics and wondered if anyone knows what they mean by it is available 12 months after start and 1 month after end even though it said to be a 1.25 hr class!?! 😕
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Seems like after your register and pay, that you have up to a year to finish the course.

Have not paid for any of these eCademy but I am sure that's what they are referring to.
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NPL has some good guides on their site that is geared toward CMM's and measurement in general. Link is below. When you click on one of the PDF files, it ask you to register. You don't have to as you can enter some fictional name and email address and it will give you access.
Lot of good FREE info in these guides. #41 thru 43 are CMM based

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  • 3 weeks later...
I did the O-Inspect online class. If you already know the basics i wouldn't bother. If you can use the basic line scan, circle scan, auto focus, etc and understand how to use the lighting correctly you already know everything the online class will teach you. It doesn't get very advanced in the online course. If you are familiar with calypso already and are purchasing your first O-inspect and haven't ever used the optical system before then the class is worth it.
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