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Gradient Tolerance Display Changes when Sent to Report


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Have three surface profiles on part. Slotted and one of outer surface profile are 0.006" (both .006 Datums AED). The 2nd outer surface profile is 0.020" (2 Datums AE). Only the 0.020" profile shows correct gradient on PiWeb report. The gradient display for both of the 0.006" profiles drop to +/- 0.003 on the screen display and in the report. Am being extremely careful when choosing the CAD Evaluation settings. Am doing all debugging offline, so results are showing 0.000 Actual as they should be.
Am actually using a 2 seperate Free Form surfaces and surface profile characteristics for the Outer Profiles.
Am I missing something in the CAD Presentation settings, or is it more of a PiWeb problem?
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