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Magnetism effect


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I am trying to measure something on the spectrum cmm with a very strong magnetism. Will this have an effect on the readings? I know using Renishaw head I had issues. But being new to the calypso world I was curious as to the effect.
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I have had problems with my spectrum with magnetism of parts. It would take bad hits and in some cases not take a hit at all
and crash into the part.

I used a de-magnifier on the parts before measuring them.

, Neil
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It really depends on the strength of the magnets and the material of the probe shaft. We clamp almost all our parts on a permanent magnetic chuck, but the magnetic field is so low (4 mm) that is has no effect on our probes. I found that probes made of hard metal are less sensitive to magnetism than the ones made of normal steel. But of course you should generally avoid metal shafts if you want to be on the safe side.
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Use long, non-ferrous styli to keep the probe head far away from the part. you'll suffer minor accuracy degradation, naturally.

I am assuming you're talking about a few Gauss, and not a few Teslas of field, of course.
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The XXT sensor can be very sensitive to magnetism. We also had the magnet prism to fix some parts on CMM, and when we came to close while scanning you could see big deviations near the magnets.
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