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Start alignment / Base Alignment


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From Run - Start Measurement" I have Start Alignment toggled in selection, and the
base alignment chosen in the drop down (see attached).

When the program begins, it measure's the start alignment first, and then the base
alignment that is showing in the drop down menu, correct? I'm doing this because
the part is chucked horizontally in the rotary and could be off enough in Y that the
first point in the base alignment (camera focus point) could miss the part.

So my rational behind this was; the start alignment will set Y=zero each and every
time prior to the base alignment. So the first focal point will always be on Y=zero.
I just want confirmation that this method is valid and will run a new BA each time?
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Yes, the SA will run 1st followed by the BA

A popular usage of the SA is to use different features from the BA that are physically easier to probe during a manual alignment. Lowering manual alignment times/errors for operators.
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Thanks Zach. Yes, I see that it's running the SA first, I was really concerned about the BA being done fresh each time. Normally I run from base alignment. I almost always use a Poke Yoke fixture that keeps my parts oriented in the same spot every time. This one is a little different, as I use the camera to focus and find Y=zero. Even with Poke Yoke fixturing, there's just enough play in the fixture to allow for about .010 of movement. The focus square isn't large enough to cover that much area in case of movement.
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shouldn't you select the start alignment in the drop down menue?
i had a terrible crash once, because i accidently choose the base instead the start allignment
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I once learned that the SA is never measured automatically. It's just a reference system that is (usually) easier to probe. You first define the BA, then the SA and Calypso calculates the offset between both, so if you start with the SA, it knows which offset to use to find the points of the BA. The selection shown above only tells Calypso whether you want to start with the BA (overriding the SA) or with the SA. But it's your responsibility to make the right choice in the selector.

That's what I once learned. No warranty.
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