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Profile of a line


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We recently purchased the license for curve and freeform. I need to take the profile of a line at a specified depth on a surface and I'm not sure how to create this feature to measure the profile of a line. Can I measure it with a line scan and then get the profile of the line? Do I need to create a 2-D curve to get profile of the line and if so how do I create a 2-D curve on the feature?
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I don't have curve but just took the advanced class.
This is what I have in my notes.

Sectioning with Curve:

CAD-----> Create Feature:

Under the "SECTION" tab------>
1. Change any value to bring up the sectioning plane in the CAD window
2. Adjust Values to achieve desired cross section of the feature to freeform.

Go to the "CREATION" tab---->
1. Switch to wire frame view in the CAD window
2. Hold control and Select the elements of your desired geometry/path

Once you've selected all your elements, Hit the "Curve" Button

This will generate a new 2d Curve in features following the path your generated

Hopefully that helps some.
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For good results with curves, you should also make sure you have at least a 4 - 1 ratio of actuals to nominals.

I make sure that the number of actuals is also a prime number, this is supposed to help with calculating curve endpoints. To be honest I do not know if it helps, but I figure it is easy enough to do and it certainly does not hurt.

So I find the smallest prime number that is larger than four times the number of nominal points.

So if I create a curve with 100 nominal points, I scan 401 actual points when I measure it.
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You need to define how many points you want for your Curve before you click on the Curve button. I also tend to suggest that you do Per Segment, and you get a much better nominal definition of your Curve.
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