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Dropdown menu on Autorun


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Is it possible to make a dropdown menu for when running a program?

I ask because I would like to have the reason for doing the measurement for example. PPA, SPC, change of tools or another option.

I would like not to have the operators to type it in by them selfs. Cause it takes both time and it opens op for typing wrong giving me a head ache later on.
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yeah. But are you using PiWeb? What version Calypso?

Little different in PiWeb as opposed to the old report software.

And do you use a drop down in the program when your not using Autorun?
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I am not using Pi-Web. I export all of my results ta table which I import in QDA data collection software.

No, I am not. Think I got that explained i a bad way.

I would like a dropd down menu wheneber I run a program and It should be like with order number, incremental part number and so on. I would just like to add "Reason for measurement" and the operator would have maybe 4 options to pick.
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Put the dropdown list in your userfields.ini file and set your printout header parameters to force input at start. Look into custom reports and headers. The userfields.ini & userfields.txt files control what shows up in the input box at the start of a program, like incr#, order, etc. You can customize it however you want.


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Thanks a lot.
I will try this later today.

Is it possible to have a default choice so that if I use option C, it will still start on option A next time I run a program?
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Thank you for the reply.

Hmm... As happy I am for some of Calypsos features as frustrated I am of some of their mistakes.
It is nearly impossible to have them solved.
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