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Vast XT Weight and Probe Length


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Hi everyone,
We have a (Vast XT head) just want to know the weight limit and probe length. If any one have the pdf chart with weight and length configuration please upload. Thank you so much.
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500 grams, and a max length of 500mm.

The weight is the most important thing. It is not recommended to use configurations that are longer than 500mm, but I've had to do it before in a pinch.

If you need extremely long configurations, I'd look into the Vast Gold: weight is 800 grams, and 800mm max length.
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Also, there is a tiltation requirement. I think that's the right word. It has to do with balancing your stylus system. So, if you have a stylus sticking out 20" in the +Y direction, an equal configuration of that stylus should be mounted in the -Y direction OR a counterweight should be attached. Kind of makes sense.

I have a Zeiss pamphlet that shows a table of allowable tiltation values for various sensors and the formula to calculate this. I will post a picture later today, if possible.
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Tom, thanks for the info. Years ago when I first started programming with Calypso, was told repeatedly by one of the Zeiss AEs that a balanced probe system didn't matter and that I could use any configuration I wanted. I'd like to know where you got the pamphlet to see if it's still available/accessible for us programmers.
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Regarding balance, I've learned with trial an error the effects of an unbalanced probing system.
Sometimes they calibrate on the sphere just fine but, when checking the accuracy with certified XX ring gauges the error becomes noticeable. Place a probe of equal length and weight on the opposite end and the error went away.
On an active scanning head like the Vast XT, it usually takes a significant amount of unbalance before accuracy is affected, like using a 300mm length probe on one end and 100mm on the other.
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