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CAD Aligment Issue


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Good morning all.
I am attempting to emulate the alignment procedure outlined on page 54 of the Calypso 2018 Basic Training Manual, as it is the closest example of an alignment to the part that I have.

I "appear" to be doing it correctly, but I am getting odd results which I have illustrated below.

I have no doubt its operator error and was hoping someone could look at my current procedure and point out where I am going off the rails.

The provided example:

The part in question 1657_4a69d6ae95e3944feee0730cd771cf04.jpg

When the part is loaded in it is standing up on end.
I got to CAD--->Modification--->CAD Model Transformation... 1657_4a69d6ae95e3944feee0730cd771cf04.jpg

I now translate the part about the Y-Axis to orient the part to sit flat on the surface plate. 1657_4a69d6ae95e3944feee0730cd771cf04.jpg

Like so. 1657_4a69d6ae95e3944feee0730cd771cf04.jpg

I now go to Define Select Geometry 1657_62f4cba3a2e993e30c850d2f9f0225d5.jpg

I select the outside diameter of the model as my Cylinder1 1657_3c6256fa8f2e49ba13a8f6aebaeab4dd.jpg

I select the top of the model as my Plane 1657_6d51f8b1aeb10d09453d42827c15b996.jpg

I now need features to construct a line for my Spatial.
I create a Cylinder from the outermost bolt circle,
3 o'clock position, Top Radii. 1657_4f2288f56fb0011a51d674061e5b985d.jpg

I now create a cylinder at the outermost bolt circle,
9 o'clock position, Top Radii 1657_b5ddf8efaefb4d5e05bee2114b9a6e21.jpg

I now go to Features--->3D line [attachment=3]11.jpg[/attachment]

I recall the last two Cylinders [attachment=2]12.jpg[/attachment] [attachment=1]13.0.jpg[/attachment]

My line is created [attachment=0]13.1..jpg[/attachment]
Continued on next post ( image limit per post)


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If one of those kidney shaped slots is at Y zero I would do the following..

First scan a circle on the top face of the part - that will be your spatial alignment, and your Z origin.

Next, scan a circle on the id of the part, this gives you X and Y origin.

Now scan a half circle on either end of the kidney slot so you end up with to circle locations.

Using those two circles, create a symmetry construction.

Use the symmetry construction for your planar rotation and have it be X+.

This way you don't have to do any kind of weird alignment to get it to work.
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Constructed 3D line shown 1657_31b3da1128bf914704023915b9c90192.jpg

Next I go to my Base/Start Alignment 1657_31b3da1128bf914704023915b9c90192.jpg

I assign all my of my features to their correct place, tick Manual Alignment and initiate Execute Manual Run Now. 1657_31b3da1128bf914704023915b9c90192.jpg

I am prompted to measure a cylinder on the ACTUAL part. 1657_31b3da1128bf914704023915b9c90192.jpg

reduce points to make manageable 1657_31b3da1128bf914704023915b9c90192.jpg
physically taking points, several high, several low on the cylinder. 1657_31b3da1128bf914704023915b9c90192.jpg

I am now prompted measure the 3 o'clock high cylinder 1657_e5396d3225739d07b10ae6cc2f7983b7.jpg
It never asks for the second 9 o'clock high cylinder though and immediately returns to the base alignment page without error!! 1657_029c0f51142b432f0f6127622eef89bb.jpg

I go to take 3 points off the table from the front left corner to generate the safety cube 1657_6c99a839ff6fc7e491e8134d7f59824c.jpg

hmmmmm 1657_6d9974312d5aa63be808b31b14c7ef7c.jpg

3 points off the table form the front left to close the safety cube 1657_3d9b54ad797407e165bc481be19e1a54.jpg

???? What the heck? [attachment=0]28.jpg[/attachment] color me confused.
If nothing else the XY and Z locations should have located in the safety cube correctly, even if the 3d line did fail.
I need a proper procedure, that works!

help! 🙂


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You can use the create a clearance plane from cad if your using a model. I've had some odd things happen where it flips my pisitive and negative values but works fine when changed over.

Also I would just use your two top cylinders (closer to the ID) instead of those slots. And you can use a 2d line instead and use circles.
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Richard, for base alignment do as Derek suggests you: 408_19b327a900e67eef7b60e7fd4f3aa7ba.png
otherwise it could be that your 3d line is causing some problems in base alignment
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I wouldn't use cylinders to construct the 3D line. Better use circles. And I agree that the spatial cylinder is too short for a part of this size to make a spatial, especially when you use the top plane as Z zero. A small tilt of the cylinder axis will lead to huge deviations at the outer edge of the top plane.
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use the plane for spatial. the 3d line for planar and then OD for X and Y and Plane for Z,

Then recreate your clearance cube from the model.

I agree, just use circles for you 3d Line on the top or bottom arcs of the slots but it should work with the cylinders fine.

You spatial of the narrow cylinder is most likely the problem it is not stable enough to restrain the part fully. If you change spatial to the Plane I am guessing you will have better luck.
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Infinitely better!
It finally repeats, not flipping different ways every time I load a new part on.

Thank you greatly!
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