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Whats a quick an easy way to get my proberack and probes from my online seat to my offline planner seat....
I tried to copy the config folder from my online seat and its not working. Any help would be much appreciated...
Thanks in advance 🙂
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copying the config file should work, what happens when you do that?

I usually rename the original config file and add the date, then just paste in the config file from the cmm that you want.
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If the config files didn't work then i'm not sure about your probe rack, you may just have to reconfigure that from scratch......
The trick to that is that is that before you can use your automatic probe changer in simulation and before you can define the holder locations you must first set the length of the master probe. it doesn't have to be accurate, it just has to be something. click on "Length of master probe" then give it a value, then after that it will allow you to do everything you normally do on your online seat.

As for probe files, i would just go to your online machine and use "Stylus System management" icon and go to each stylus and export it to a network drive location or flash drive, then you can import them on your planner seat.

probe files2.JPGprobe files.JPG

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