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Perpendicularity whit out flatness


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I have a problem. Designer want control perpendicularity whit out flatness. According ISO 1101 i must use extracted element and it have form deviation, hi want use associated element whit out form deviation. Is it posible mark at a draw, and is exist easy way do it at Calypso. Now a create theoretical plane and connect it by formulas to actual position and space angles of measured plane. Designer want ad modificator G according ISO 1101-2017 but as i understood id don`t mean that he want.


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You probably need to create a theoretical plane and use formulas to populate all the actuals. The form should be perfect. I would probably use outer tangential on the original feature, but if your designer wants you to use LSQ then that's up to him/her. ASME Y14.5 uses a Tangent plane modifier to achieve what you're looking for. But the way it is defined requires the OuterTangential evaluation. Maybe ISO has something comparable.
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Quick solution... only use three points. Bam, no form deviation!........

This is a strange request, and my brain can't seem to quite understand what they are after.
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