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Alignment is correct ?


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Hello friends,
I have a questions :
I don't know it is corect my alignment, because is necessary the rotation for my alignment , is one plane (A)and Two hole(B,C) i attached the photos with alignment. I make the alignment in this mode: spațial rotation on Z axis ,origin Z, hole B origin in X and Y axis . I make teoretical 2 D line from circle B and C , and i put this line at Special rotate with 2,304 grades( rotate arround z axis with - 2 304 grades) in Y+ axis . It îs correct or what is the correct alignment who i can check If it is the correct? ?


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You can skip the step of creating a line and just rotate to the -C- bore. The rotate about the -Z- axis 2.304 degrees. To check to see if you did everything correctly, remeasure -C- and check to see It's location is where you want it.
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Thank's for your answer. I attached the photos with my complete alignment and with the rotation on axis . Is correct because is i check the position of "C" circle is the nominal value with the drawing ,is ok or is necessary the nominal value 0 ( distance on axis from B (origin)??? thank's

Capture.PNGCapture 2.PNG

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