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Not displaying clearance cube or able to move around the part from display window


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When is the last time you powered down the PC? I would close the program and then open it back up and go to CAD/CAD Model Control/Display Clearance Plane and see if it really there.

What I have done is the past is forget the project was in mm not inch and then type the clearance cube value in inch, the clearance cube was there just supper small. 🫣
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I am working on Calypso 5.8 on a very slow Windows7 computer, I got this black screen once a while if I open more than 4 program windows together, my CAD model will not even show up in this black screen. Just restart your computer you should be able to see your clearance box
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Errors like this are usually caused when the process.acisXX.exe (XX = version number) is running into trouble, either by a lack of available memory or simply by a crash. Calypo's CAD window is not managed by Calypso itself, but by the acisXX.exe process. Think of it as an overlay over Calypso's window. Calypso only communicates with the acis process to tell it what to display. If it crashes or has no memory left, display problems occur.
The acis window is not visible by default. To see it, go to the CAD settings and under system activate the CAD window. Don't be concerned by a lot of error-like messages in that window. Many of them can be safely ignored. But if a crash or memory problem occurs, there's often a message about the problem.

If acis is indeed the cause and it happens quite often, consider a memory upgrade.
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