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Measuring the radius of a rectangle corner


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Hello, I have a large flat plate with 2 rectangular holes in it, however each corner has a .250 radius. Now when I measure the rectangle as a rectangle feature I get the length and width no problem but it passes by the corners. Is there anyway I could do a scan on the entire rectangle? Sort of like a closed spline? and then pick out which dimensions I need (Length, width, radius of each corner)? Or do I have to measure the rectangle, and then go back and measure the corners individually as a circle on a cylinder?

Thanks in advance!
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Yes but you need Curve. Measure it as a closed curve, then recall measure points into separate features. when you recall from measured points, youll have to right click the curve to get the Range option so you can select a specific area. Alternatively you can lasso an area which is alot easier.
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Hi Brett, thanks for your response. So I do have Curve however I never used it before. I tried to do a 2D curve but it looks absolutely horrible. and for some reason that is a curve that keeps going right through my rectangle. It would be really helpful if there was a short online tutorial on how to use the basic functions of curve. 😠
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Yeah, there's a lot to know. More than I can explain here. Zeiss offers a curve and freeform class you would definitely benefit from. One way to do it is to go to CAD>Creating Features>Section. from there you can slice the model to create curves. Play around with it and you might figure it out. there might be some information in the help menu. If you search your computer, theres usualy a manual for curve.
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If you create say a 100 point curve you then want to go into the strategy and use at least 3 times that many points to measure it. I think that was the number. Otherwise you may get something that looks pretty bad.
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Hell again ad thank's for the informations.
I see the youtube tutorial and i make the curve(2D). The curve is ok i put 200 points ,i see corectly but the problem is the result. I put the Line profile for this curve for the dimension who is on the drawing ( see the photos ) but the result is impossible...1 mm...i think that is a problem but i dont know where in the "Shape of zone " is ok Bilateral one result? or in the Features-2 D curve - Projection is ok Linear projection or is necessary another option?? I attach the photos from Zeiss and for the draving... Thank's


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If you have PiWeb Reporting, open up a Plot Protocol, and let's see the shape of your Profile. If you don't have PiWeb Reporting, drop your Curve into a Curve Form Characteristic, and let's see what's going on.
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I don't have curve, so I can't help much. But the form error on that feature is really bad. If you measure it without using curve, is your form error/results better?
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Yes ,the result is ok at this part but without the curve and i dont understant ,i have the mistake but where......, the location is ok at part but in the curve i cpu the ok nominal but after dissapear from the program....
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How does one lasso the area? I've been trying to find a quick way to recall points into features from a Curve forever now. The range of points takes way too long for my liking...
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After you select recall feature points two buttons appear in the toolbar.

Choose the feature to recall from and click the first button to display the points and the second to select "lasso" points.
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If you open your feature, right click in the cad view, and select "show actual points" you might see what's going on. Your probe may be too big for the radius.
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You can Tell me the step for see the all profile(Points) with the deviation,the grafic for see where is the deviation for profile .
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Hy again,
I have two questions.
1. I can see the deviation of the profile (where is the deviation points) and who???
2. For the form at profile,only form 0.1 ,see the photo 4 for previos message, i can put this but who, with Best Fit alignment?
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To Brett and Matt,

This is one of the single most helpful things I've ever been advised to do in my almost-15-years of programming. I just had a Curve refresher coarse last June and I'm pretty sure I asked if there was a quick way of recalling curves into features/curves and the only method the trainer showed us was selecting the point range. This will impact my program cycle time dramatically.

Thanks a million fellas!
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