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Special Program


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Has anyone used the "Special Program" characteristic before? Do you need a specific license to use it? It's greyed out on my end but reading about it, it looks really useful.
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[...previous wild guess deleted...]

I found something deep down in my mingle-mangle of various Calypso stuff. I had forgotten that I have it and don't remember where it came from (probably the old forum). It's a detailed description of how to use that characteristic together with a VB example.
Unfortunately the forum currently doesn't allow me to upload any attachments.

Maybe you can find it in the old forum. The file name is "testPrg.zip"
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Hum, I got curious. To me it seems like all you can use if for is exporting points from features in a chosen coordinate-system in xls-format. You can then use that for what ever, and read it back in.

Feels like this is a relic from the past that now is replaced by the options in Features/Additional Features. But that's just a guess.
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this function was designed as a standard user-interface to start external calulations directly by CALYPSO menue.
Some applications are the property of the respective company and therefore not part of a standard Software.

Main functions
- send results back to CALYPSO
- creation of special files for detailed analysis
- jump over limits inside CALYPSO
- special graphic tools

I've put a handout of an example into the attachment.

Hope it helps


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Ah ok. I completely misunderstood what that was. I actually thought it was a way to call another measurement plan and run it within your current measurement plan and make one single report.
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Klaus Dieter introduced us to this tool some years ago, is very useful; However at the end we decided to use a combination of: addToFile, points in file (curves), systemCallWithWait & readPCMFile; due to is easier to distribute (not necessary to document installation instructions because the *.exe goes in the same inspection directory).

in case of performance, some evaluations out of calypso are much faster, thousands of points with nested loops take several minutes with calypso Features, but less than one second with visual basic.

// scanning
//delete previous parameters and results
deleteFile( getActualInspectionDir() +"\TFparam.txt")
deleteFile( getActualInspectionDir() +"\TFOP.txt")

// Input parameters
Textvar = Textvar +"Name01 =curvepoints.txt" + cr()   // Name of the text file (Actuals)

//  .... other parameters

// Generate file of paramters
addToFile(getActualInspectionDir() +"\TFparam.txt", Textvar)     

// Execute the application   	  		
systemCallWithWaitgetActualInspectionDir() +"\VBapplication.exe")	
// Load results into Calypso
readPCMFilegetActualInspectionDir() +"\TFOP.txt")					

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