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Looped alignment


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I loop all my base alignments 2-3 times @.0003 - .0005". One of my programs uses a fixture that mechanically clocks the part as well as stops X, Y, & Z. There is a possibility of about .010" worth of slop on some of these mechanical stops at the most. I have had to re-do the start alignment (I'm guessing because of the slop). shouldn't the base alignment loop take care of any movement?
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I'm not sure why you'd have to re-do the start alignment with only 0.010" of movement? I'm guessing the start alignment is manual probings?
Regarding the loop taking care of the movement, it should, unless the part is actually moving while probing. If it's moving, the loop will never be satisfied but, will continue rum. Some odd geometry like partial radius's, curves/space points or any feature with a rough surface finish might have to be looped more than 3 times.
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