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Creating a Plane


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I have a part that I would like to choose multiple surfaces to construct a plane. How would I do this on the model?

Every time I pick another surface it make a separate plane.
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It is my belief that the CAD is there for you, not the software. The software can interact with it to make programming easier, and this "programming assistance" leads to it seeing multiple separate planes.

That being said, I am sure you can measure each plane as a separate plane, group them, and construct a plane recalling the measured planes.

Or you can create a generic plane feature through the menus. Enter the strategy menu and create points/scans/polylines on each plane you wish to measure, making sure to add manual moves in between each plane.
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Well you can either create a single plane for each feature then recall all the points into one plane. Next option is to pick the first plane place points with the mouse on that plane and with this strategy open continue to pick points on the other planes. This will make on large plane.

I recommend the first option that way you can edit the point location on each plane by simply dragging the point where you want it. With the second option you would manually have to edit the point locations in the point list if you want to edit the points, since they don't lie on the selected plane.

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You need to use recall feature points if you are going to use multiple planes combined into one plane.

Don't forget to apply filter and outlier on the recall feature point plane

Using recall feature points has been my go to for years but I am starting to rethink this. When you recall feature points it recalls all of the points, including the points at the start of the scans that Calypso normally filters out. Filter and Outlier sometimes removes all the bad points but not always.

If I have tight tolerances I will not be using Recall Feature Points moving forward because it is a different value than the scanned feature, seems to be most noticeable for cylinders.
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Ditto on the Recall Feature Points. The key is to do this before you have measured data though - otherwise it is using the actual data from the points of the other Planes to calculate the Nominal Geometry. If you do it before you have measured data, it will use the Nominal Geometry of the multiple Planes you selected.
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