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Hey guys. Here's another Calypso question from a PC Dmis guy:

So 99% of the programs I build are in Planner. So is there a way to "import" or insert the CMM into the program so that I can line up the part CAD to the machine? I know I can use the Fixture Builder software but I'm trying to keep the part in its aircraft coordinates. And as far as I know, once you import the CAD into Fixture Builder, it automatically puts it in a local coordinate system.

If you know PC Dmis, you know that you can easily insert the CMM into your program and move the part onto the table, square it up to the machine, and orient it any way you want. I'm looking for the Calypso version of that 🙂

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The same is possible in Calypso. Open the simulation window and click the icon to make the machine visible (there are icons for table, probe, head and whole machine). The machine will only become visible if there's a model available for the machine type and size you defined in the CMM settings. In the sim window there's also an icon to place and orient the part on the machine.

However, to actually measure the part in a different orientation without changing the CAD axes, you don't need any of the above options. Calypso is able to measure a part in any orientation as long as the probes used are aligned accordingly and the base alignment is being probed in the right way on the actual CMM.
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That's great! I guess I don't have the CAD for the machine itself. It looks like all I have is the quill and the table top with hole pattern. But that will definitely work. All I really need is to be sure that my probe angles will work with tight spaces on complex parts.
So which icon lets you move and rotate the part cad? Or can you explain how to do this please? I've clicked around in the simulation window but I haven't been able to make it move yet.


cad to machine.PNG

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It's the cube icon in the lower right (modify CAD model). The dialog should open in the Positioning tab.
Most important in this window: Always keep "Drag Base Alignment" at the bottom checked, otherwise the tripod won't move with the model.

First mark the model to move with the mouse (should turn purple).
In the upper 3 fileds you can enter a X/Y/Z translation. The middle fields are for rotation.
After entering the values, click Apply.
The lower fields are for positioning based on points you select on the model. For example you can make a certain point or face touch the table at a certain spot. But I rarely use those, so please refer to the help file for more information.
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