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transfer/sale of Calypso offline license


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I understand from Zeiss that an offline license can be bought/sold and transferred to another individual. I'm imagining this would include the computer the license is running on, but this does not have to be the case.
Has anyone ever bought/transferred a license?
Any problems, details, etc?
Does anyone have a license for sale?
Price, details?
Thank you.
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  • 2 weeks later...
I bought a offline seat of Calypso 2017 a little less the a year ago with a screaming fast Lenova ThinkPad. The majority of my work has been offline only. I write the program and email to the customer. This has worked out fairly well and everyone can keep their costs to a minimum. If you are shopping around for a seat from another party there are a number of things you will need to consider. Is the license PC Bonded or a dongle. If it's PC Bonded, you will want the computer. If it's a dongle, you may still want the computer but it's not necessary. You will want to make sure the License File DVD is included with the purchase. What licensed options does this seat come with. If you are running lots of PCM programs or programs that have lots of FreeForm surface then a offline seat without those options is going to be difficult. If this seat is to be support for a online seat then the version of Calypso could make a difference. Calypso is not backward compatible so the offline seat must be an older version then the version for the CMM. This last point is hit or miss. Calypso versions can be licensing software version specific. What that means is if you want to keep the offline seat version matched with the CMM seat version you will have to buy that second seat the next time you upgrade the CMM version. If it were me, I would be leaning toward spending the money, and buying a current version from Zeiss. The support and help you get before, during and after the sale makes it worth the extra expense. Full disclosure,, I am no longer contractually required to say that. 🤣
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Good information. Thank you.
Can you clarify:
You state (1) "the offline seat must be an older version then the version for the CMM".
You are saying this to avoid your offline program from using commands that the online program can not execute, correct?
You suggest (2) "I would lean toward... buying a current version from Zeiss."
But doesn't doing #2 make it more likely that your offline seat will be a newer version than the CMM version, causing a programming conflict?
I'm thinking you were suggesting buying a newest version offline seat from Zeiss and have the support as a best practices measure and that you were not specifically addressing what version is running on the CMM. Correct?
Paul S
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To your first point, "the offline seat must be an older version then the version for the CMM",, equal to or older and you are correct about a newer version having new functions that an older version would have no idea how to run.

To your second point, buying a new version of Calypso from Zeiss doesn't mean that's the version you have to work with. I bought 6.4 and have a couple of customers with 5.8, another with 5.2, a few with 6.2. It's all over the map out there. I recently quoted a job that might require me to load 3.5.08. When I say, "If it were me,,," I am letting everyone know that what I'm about to say is purely personal opinion. My experience was very positive and continues to be very positive.
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Obi Wan Helle - Question 2 doesn't explain how to work on earlier versions. Must you also load the older versions? You've also stated in other posts that Calypso was not backwards compatible.
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Tom, first of all, because of my height and the funny shape of my ears, I am clearly the Yoda from Minnesoda. Second of all, if I buy a offline seat, Zeiss will deliver 6.4. If my CMM is running 6.0, I will have to uninstall 6.4 and install 6.0.
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Sorry, I am, Lord Yoda
Is another license required to run 6.0 or will it run under the 6.4 license. This would mean having to download 6.0 from the download portal. Just trying to help Paul understand.
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The license for 6.4 will work for 6.0 I jump around from version to version frequently on my offline station. It all depends on what my customers have. That's why on the laptop I bought for my business, I specified Windows 7. That will allow me to go back to 4.8 if necessary. When 2018 comes out, I will buy a new laptop with Windows 10.
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Richard and Tom,
Thank you both, I understand.
And may I borrow $5,000 from each of you and do you accept an IOU?
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In all seriousness Paul, I would recommend the SBA, Small Business Administration. They have a wealth of information about everything Small Business, including financing.
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  • 9 months later...
Richard and Tom (or anyone else)
To revisit an issue collateral to below--running 2018 programs on a 2017 machine--my understanding:
1) You cant run a program created with a newer version on an older version machine.
2) You could UNINSTALL 2018 on a new machine (or offline seat) and INSTALL 2017 and use the 2018 license to run 2017.
Both statements correct?
I ask as we have two 2017 machines and one 2018 and will be running (at times) the same program on both the 2017 and 2018 machines. We want to avoid having two separate programs. Any other options?
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Everything you said is correct. One thing to consider is it is possible you may have to rewrite any programs that were written with 2018. But bottom line, your 2018 license should allow you to fire up 2017.
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Thats not correct, open the version file in the inspection folder and change from 6.6.xx to 6.4.
The only issue you may encounter is if you have used features or characteristics that only are available in the newer version.
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The only issue you may encounter is if you have used features or characteristics that only are available in the newer version.

Remember Peregrin Took's advise to Frodo Baggins, "Short cuts make long delays."
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