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The scripting was working fine, but after we updated computer to OS 10 and reinstall GOM 2018 software, we are facing this error. I'm not able to clear this error and have verified script but no luck in clearing this error.  Please fine attached info and error message. Any help would be greatly appreciated. 



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Hey Amey,


There is nothing in the provided script that indicates an error or anything like that. (OS 18362.1256, GIP-2018 HF8)
For example, it was possible to access a second script without any problems, which is linked in your source code via import. (For the sake of simplicity and due to the lack of the original scripts, I worked with a simple print command in a script I created as a replacement of your second dialog script). 
Side note: The way of linking the scripts in your source code is at first sight rather unusual, since not explicitly a function is called, but in the middle of the source code the import appears.

In general, you also use the external Python interpreter (recognizable by openpyxl). Is everything still there as before? --> This could also lead to errors in the second script and thus disturb the work flow you are used to.

A further search for the cause is quite difficult without more insight. Please be so kind and share the second script with us via support@gom.com and refer to this form post.


Gruß, Jens

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Thanks for the script.
At my end, I could not find any reason for the scripts to fail. It just worked fine without any changes (except for the mentioned import Openpyxl).

May you get in touch with your local distributor or our support who can help you further, eg via Teamviewer.

Hope this helps to trace the issue, 



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