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Part ident


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Go to resources, select printout header parameters and when the window pops up, select the box to 'force input at start".
Then when you start the program, the box will pop up and you can change the number to whatever you want.
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Im talking about the part increments number which is a .zmp file found in the C:\Users\Public\Documents\Zeiss\CALYPSO 6.6\workarea\inspections\partname\idmeaspoints

How does one go about changing this so it starts back at 1.

I need to restart the order so that it shows up on PiWeb for a project I am working on. I have too many digits and PiWeb will not show all of them.

Can I delete all the ZMP files and in doing so restart my clock so to speak lol
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It's as Owen explained.

The measured points file is named whatever is in the incremental part number field. If you use the same name as an already saved .zmp file it will overwrite it. And, it will add 1 to whatever was entered on each run after.

The main use of the .zmp files, IMO, is to be able to reevaluate data at a later time. Overwriting it defeats that purpose. If you don't care about that, just start at 1 again and it will increment after each run. if you want to use the .zmp files, change your naming convention to make each one unique, or save them to another folder before you overwrite them.
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I do not have the Incr part number showing up. Only thing I have showing up is the Serial number variable that I put in when I made the report. I took all the other variables off.

Under the default I think it does come up as a variable in the pop up window. But I changed that.

~~Updated~~ Ok so I went into the Header Printer Variables under define printout. Made the IPN active and it popped up as expected. Changed it to 1 and it did what I wanted.

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