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saved program reverted to a previous version


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I have been editing/adding-to a program over the last few weeks then closing out and saving at the end of each day. Then opening same the next day and all fine.
Then a few days passed and I opened that same program—it opened as expected—but was a version of that program from weeks previous. And I can not find the last (or any for that matter) of the saves of the program in-between—from each day’s progressive work.
I’ve had this happen twice on calypso 2017–the 1st time I thought it was a saving goof on my part. But now I think I can rule out that I saved “in the wrong direction” over the last version of the program—the version I’m seeing today has been saved over many times and a save as was never done.
This is on a local drive, not a network, and the save date I see in windows is the recent date that I would expect, but the program itself seems to have “reverted”. Any ideas?
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Are you the only person that uses the computer? If not, I might suspect fowl-play but, who knows.
Do you have or assigned administrative rights for the computer?
You might make sure you the program folder is not write protected but, even if it was, I think calypso would tell you it couldn't be saved?
This is what I'd do until you get it figured out.
Do a save as, make sure the path is correct and rename it to something like
"program name/number Rev.1, ect". and then with windows explorer, go to the inspection folder and see if the newly save program is there, also you might save it again to a different path nobody else would know where it is.
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The other thing I would check and see if there is a folder inside folder. When you save as in Calypso and make the name the same it creates a folder inside of the original folder. If you were using the shortcut (right side last 5 programs) to launch the program every time you would never have seen it.
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from window start menu you can make a search like "inpection". and list the result by date modified. and then you can look for your updated program from date or time. if there is no inspection file on the date/time you are sure that you make a change on the program and saved it, for me there is 2 scenario that might be the problem. First one, someone is playing with the PC. Second one is there is a problem with PC and you need to call IT departmant. Wish you luck 🙂

And another solution is you can upgrade to Calypso 2018 and use local versioning option.
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