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Calypso Sound Effects


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Does anyone know how to alter the sound effects used by Calypso? Such as when collisions occur, or when reports are generated? Right now it seems like everything is using the default Windows "system message" sound effect. Just curious, and as always, any help is appreciated.
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I'm not sure customer's have access to those files anymore. I know prior to 4.0 you could to a folder and replace the sound file with one of your own. Customer's could be very creative back in those days.
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These files are .wav and located in your Calypso\sounds directory, usually in C:\Program Files. Just let Windows Explorer search for crash.wav, notify.wav, probe.wav and tada.wav!
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If you want a sounder at the end of the program, all you need to do is put a BAT file in the inspection folder called "inspection_end.bat" and direct it to open a Wav file you place somewhere on the computer.
Ill attach mine.
I chose a Train whistle because i need a high pitch sound to penetrate the ambient noise of the shop.
Putting music or a voice is not really am option because its difficult to hear thru the crappy inboard speakers of my tower.

to open the bat file just right click it and hit Edit. then change the file path to a folder on your own computer.
Double clicking will execute it.

(I had to zip the Bat file & Wav file because the forum wouldn't allow me to attach them any other way)

inspection_end.zipinspection end bat3.JPG

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  • 2 months later...
I followed the steps to put the sound at the end of the program and it worked perfectly.

Now I have a question:
How do I put the sound effect on a program stop in the middle of the program?
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