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Printout headers, order of input and visibility on report


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I've gotten really close to finishing up a modified version of the standard PiWeb report for our operators, with some of the default header variables swapped for things that are more useful for us to know (what machine, what fixture, etc.) The replacement headers are behaving a little strangely on the report. I'm using the same format as the default stuff to get the names of header variables, e.g. ${Localization.AttributeKey.Description(17)} to pull the name "Fixture No.", but it only shows up on the report if I enter the corresponding value for it. If I don't enter anything for a run, then the report has a blank space where that name would be, whereas if I leave the input field for the order number blank, the header name still appears on the report, just without a number to accompany it. I know I can just unlink the header name and type it in directly, but I like to use these sorts of things wherever possible. Am I missing something? Picture attached shows the blank space where the "Manufacturer" variable name should be. It shows up if I type something in under printout header data. Order number was left blank, but is still visible on the report, which is what I'm trying to do with the others.

A related issue, how do I reorder the header variables under "Printout header data"? We have a process to read in the relevant info using barcodes on job sheets, so I'd like to be able to move them around into a specific order.

Calypso version 6.4.2401
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Did you create the variables yourself or are you using some of the PiWeb defaults? It looks like the default come in first. I have to play around with this a little.
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I would create all your own variables and name them 01_Name, 02_Name, etc... that way they should appear in the list in order at the top of the list and be easier to get in order. In PiWeb I would just rename the text box what you want to call it.
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I suppose that's probably what i'll have to do. It looks like the built-in header parameters get listed alphabetically by first letter, then the incremental part number, then my only custom header parameter. So, if I want to change the order these are listed in for user input, I'll have to do it with all custom variables?
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