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Trouble loading a CAD model


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I have a Catia cad file. I've saved it as an .stp and an .sab file with MasterCAM. Those are my options in Calypso. When I load either one it goes through the loading but nothing happens after. I loaded a different .sab file and that loaded fine. Is MasterCAM the problem? I have Calypso 5.6 if that makes a difference. Is it possible that we didn't buy a package to use CAD files? Thanks.
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Thanks for the quick reply. I just tried that with both files and neither work. I did just notice that Its an .sat file instead of an .sab file if that makes a difference.
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Sometimes I meet the same trouble as you, but when I try more times, or create a new measurement plan, it may sometimes ok.
and, I found that calypso can load the catia model directly, even the is no .CATPart option when you load model, but you can enter the catia model part name manual. eg. the catia part file name is abcdef.CATPart, I just enter the letter a , the it will display the full name of this part file, and it can be loaded to calypso,
my calypso is 2015.
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if you're running 5.6 that would mean they haven't fixed the STP vs STEP thing yet, but it sounds like you can load them but the problem is during the load......
But try this, change the STP to STEP and see if that makes a difference.
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Usually, the CAD converters write a log somewhere (at least the NX one does), naming potential conversion errors. Unfortunately the menu item to view it doesn't work for me since a few releses, and I don't remember where the file is located. But it should be easily found by searching for *.log files in \users\public\... or in Program Files (x86)\Zeiss....

By the way, SAT and SAB contain the same data, but SAT is plain text ASCII and SAB is a binary compacted file using less disk space.
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