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Offset datum pads


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Hello everyone!
My part has 3 datum pads labeled as A1, A2, A3. A1 and A2 are located along the same plane. A3 is offset 2.5mm above the other two. My question is how would I offset A3 so my alignments not giving me a hard time. Offset plane only likes points, correct? Could I grid pattern probe each A pad to find the highest point and use those for my offset plane? If so, how would i accomplish this? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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Hi Rogelio,

Measure your 3 target points as individual points. Go to Features - Special Geometries - Offset Plane. Inside of the Offset Plane go to Options - Recall - Select your 3 target points. Go to Evaluation - Point Modification Edit - Enter the offset value for the nominal offset value for the point that is supposed to be offset.
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Thanks Richard!
I was able to find an earlier post about plane offset feature. I believe it was Mark who had posted the info. That coupled with your info helped me better understand what I needed to do.
What ended up working for me: With CAD model created planes in same position of datum targets. Labeled them Plane 1,2,and 3. Constructed Maximum Features for each plane in Z. Recalled those into individual points, which I labeled A1,A2,and A3, then created my Plane Offset feature recalling A1,A2,and A3. Edited my offset for point 3 and Viola!
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