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Gage Correction Qualification - How to setup on Off-line seat


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I haven't tried to do this before on an off-line seat, seems it doesn't work.
I create the Gage Qualification Feature (Circle), tick the "Gage Correction Qualification" check box.
Then run the feature in CMM mode (Like running a program normally)
When I apply it to another feature (Circle, same stylus tip) nothing is calculated and Calypso displays a prompt in Red text.
See attached image.

GCQ error -1.jpg

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Hi Rick, this is Mark Ensley from Zeiss Application Support. I tested this on my laptop and was successful. This is what I did. I open a Calypso program and put a Zeiss Training Cube Model in it. I created an alignment and ran it. Then, I loaded a "Gage Correction Qualification" feature from Resources/Utilities drop down menu. I then created a circle1 feature off of the Model. I copied the parameters (x,y,z and space axis) from that feature into the "Gage Correction Qualification" feature. Also, I plugged in some deviations in the Extras/Settings/Measurement/Simulation "Dispersion and Displacement" drop down menu. On circle1 I checked the "Gage Correction" box in Evaluations. I created Characteristics for both circles. Then I ran them. When I did the "Gage Correction Qualification" feature reported that the feature was 0.008 over nominal size. All of the subsequent measured diameters that had the "Gage Correction" box checked measured exactly what the CAD nominals were. Hope that helps.

Simulation Dispersion - Displacement.PNG

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