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Flatness Any 15 Deg Arc on a Plane


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I have a print requirement on a plane (think of a face on a ring gauge) that says it should be flat within 0.05mm in any 15 degree arc. Has anyone ever seen this requirement on a print?

I made several "Circle path on plane" measurement strategies in the plane (1st path starts at 0 degrees with an angle range of 15 degrees; 2nd path starts at 15 degrees with an angle range of 15 degrees, etc.) at a diameter of 25mm. From here I was able to call up each path (using "Recall Feature Points") in another plane and report the flatness. Is there a better or easier way to approach this like the "Flatness Ref" characteristic for zone flatness?
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  • 2 months later...
I don't think you will be able to use flatness ref for that as I don't see any way to make it work based on an Angle.

I did wan't to mention however, that using 15 degree angular segments is probably not going to get you actual answers for those 15 degree areas given that Calypso automatically masks out points for a short distance at the beginning of each scan path.

A better method would be to probably scan the entire face and then create the angular segments using recall feature points and once in the window to choose where to pull the points from, select your face, then right click and choose 'add range limits'

One of the options is an angular segment, so you should be able to use that to pull only the points for each segment.
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