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Exporting report into .csv file for IQMS


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We are trying to have calypso convert the inspection reports into an .csv file so we can use the data thru IQMS for SPC. We have watched the video link that Tom sent but still could not figure out a way to do so. Is their any other known software that will work with Calypso to make this happen.
Jim Hunsberger
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Have you looked into the tab delimited "table files" that Calypso can generate?
The format is pretty generic and standard. We use these for transferring data to our quality software.
I haven't used IQMS, but I checked out their website briefly. If they're as professional as they look they ought to be able to work with these.
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It's possible to create a .bat file for the external PCM files that could do the conversion and you shouldn't need PCM for that to work. Which external PCM file name? I'm not sure, it depends on when IQMS wants the data delivered. I would guess it's either inspection_end_pcm.bat or report_end_pcm.bat If you want this behavior for all your inspections then put that .bat file into the folder for all your programs. If you want this for some, then put those programs into a folder and put the .bat into that folder. If you want this for just one program. Put the .bat into that part program folder. The external PCM files work pretty slick.
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Does it have to be .CSV? You can output the table files to .xls and it will separate the tab delimited text file into cells. Just switch the .txt to .xls under Resources>Name for output files. If It has to be .CSV, what you can do is use the excel template that comes with calypso, and add on to the macros so that it organizes and saves as .csv to a file of your choosing. You need to be handy with VBA to do this though.
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If you first show us the formatering of what you have, and how you wish the final output to be, its more likely that you'll recive help.
Otherwise all you get is "you could do that", "this might work" or more questions.

Cause not everyone know the reqirements of iqms. My self as an example dont even know what it is. And it isnt really relevant for solving the original question either. 😃

Alot of the questions are good questions, just in insufficient wrapping.
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Theres noting we won't do for Tom... I cooked up a tiny script that should be able to run on any modern windows installation.
But since I'm not shure what the criteria is, I made some assumptions.
1.) You have some kind of delimited file, tab, comma, space, etc.
2.) You can execute conversion operation either by pcm or by one of the numerous batch files that can execute in different stages of the program flow.
3.) You can't inject the tab character, thats an additional ~15 lines, and I won't do that if it's not needed.

Download the attached virus/trojan file. Send me you account number/pin... No, but download the attached file. And execute it by this command line.
[*] = path is needed if script isn't located within the same folder as executeion is called from.
? = .csv, .txt or .whatever
"chrToReplace" = write "tab" if tab is what you like to replace. Or "." if all . shall be replaced.
"newChr" = "A" if you like to replace something with a A.
[*]chrShift c:\path\original.? c:\path\new_converted_file.? "chrToReplace" "newChr"
So, if the chrShift is located on your desktop. And the file generated by Calypso is named tablefile.txt, and you wish the new file to be named spc.csv, and you wish to replace all tabs with a , Then use this line:
c:\users\%username%\desktop\chrShift c:\calypsoResult\tablefile.txt c:\temp\spc.csv "tab" ","
This input:
the	girl	presenting	the	weather
of	the	tv	is	kinda
hot	but	she	I	am
in	another	leauge	so	she
will	cry	all	night	long	
if^1	if^2	and(1)	so	on
will output this:


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HA HA HA HA Thank you Eric. How did you know I was talking about you and your kind of people? LOL Please let me know if I can ever return the favor....

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