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Newbie Fourum


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Is there a new user thread available for people just starting the use of Calypso?

I have extensive experience with other software packages, but i am having to learn calypso by the seat of my pants. I am sure some of my questions will be very simple to anyone who has gone through proper training.

For example:
Creating a stylus.
i cannot seem to get this to work. For some reason i cannot find the actual scanning head, just the puck on down.
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Is your second question referring to using Stylus System Creator? The way your question is framed suggests to me that you're trying to attach the sensor head within SSC, which I don't think is something it does.
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Aaaaah yes.
I feel very bad for someone trying to learn Calypso without the aid of a mentor to show them the way.....
Calypso and PCdmis are both very good and very powerful programs, but they are also very different right down to the core basics, knowing one does not give you any help in learning the other.

Let me be the first and possibly only one to inform you that there are several things that PC-Dmis does very easy, that Calypso does not do, or do very well without adding 10 steps.
I cannot think of anything that Calypso does very easy that PCD does not do, since PCD has recently started using the clearance cube method instead of movepoints only. (i still use movepoints)
So when you build a probe in PCD you build it from the tip right up to the head, including all the knuckles and such, while i dont personally use stylus system creator, so i cant speak on specifics. I built all my probes the old fashioned way before i had an offline seat, i probed the Qual Sphere and let Calypso do the rest.

Let me guess that your machine probably came without PCM or Curve or Free Form Surface packages installed, im convinced they do that intentionally to keep cost down, then force you to add the additional stuffs piecemeal, later on with your next years budget.
If you want to do "Line Profiles", you need curve. no way of getting around that.
If you want to do Surface Profiles of multiple surfaces, you need Free Form Surface.
If you want to use different formulas, or If Statements, or any type of logic in your programs, you need PCM.

Good luck and don't be afraid to ask lots of questions.
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Roberto, I remember when you were a newbie. There were times that I asked myself, "is this guy trying to get trained on the forum?"....LOL You've come a long way....
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I've worked around a lot of people in my time and it has always amazed me when you meet people that would rather screw around trying to figure things than just asking somebody.

It's a pride thing I myself have probably been guilty of a few times but, as my history here will prove, I'm not afraid to ask questions and I've been in this field for 15 years and still learn something new fairly often.

There's so many different types of applications CMM's are used in, it would be hard to know it all.Furthermore, as we learn, we tend to capture what has worked for us and not even be aware there may be new and quicker methods to do the same thing.

The Calypso manual is nice but, a lot of times you find yourself flipping back and forth between sections because it's not always written as direct or coherent as it should be and rarely covers the exact prescription for the exact application (part type, material, fixture, ect).
Post on.
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So when I first started Calypso I didn't know jack. I learned by asking a bunch of really dumb questions on the forum and never got put in my place. This isn't one of those forums where you have the "google your question first" tyrants. Everyone here, especially the guys commenting on this post, is down to Earth.

The calypso manuals help, but reading the forum was far more beneficial. There is also a wealth of information on the old forum as well, if you can get access to it.
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Not to get a Calypso vs PC-DMIS thing going, but Reporting and Scanning in Calypso are miles ahead of PC-DMIS from my experience. That may have changed in the latest release, but from Version 2015 or before it was really cumbersome and frustrating.

As far as learning Calypso, if you have the methodology down of knowing what you want to do, it's just a matter of sorting through the interface to figure out how to get it out of the software. The only stupid question is the one you never asked.
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