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Any Guides for Merging CAD Models?


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To elaborate more, When a drawing has a Rev Change that adds features and a new CAD model is put out. How do I Merge the new Model into the current Program and remove the old program?

I do not want to make a new program as this one took quite awhile.

Are there any guides or would someone have on to show the process?

Thanks in advance!
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A - Delete the old model.
B - Import the new model.
C - Go to CAD - modification - CAD model transformation
Translate/rotate the new model to the same orientation coordinate system) as the old model.
D - Go to - CAD - CAD file - CAD model comparison. Click "comparison" highlight all the features, click "apply"

I haven't done this in a while, I may have left something out?
Anyone else like to chime in on this one?


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What I've done in the post was a little different from Clarke's, but thought I'd share it with you.

1) Open old program.
2) Create a new measurement plan with the new CAD loaded.
3) Create the same base alignment features from the old program to the new prog and copy the same names for each features.
4) Establish the same exact base alignment for the new CAD.
5) Once base alignment is setup you can then copy the rest of the features and characteristics of the old program.
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I don't think the comparison tool actually does anything but to make a point or line or plane highlight the surface on a new cad model.
Its not like the "Binocular tool" in PCD that actually updates XYZ and Vectors if they changed on the new model.
I use it just for show, because it makes the program "Look Better" with features attached. when you click on features the model lights up.
at worst sometimes when comparison does not locate a cad surface (even though its the exact same size and exact same location as the previous surface) when you click on the new surface the strategy goes wildly out of place, sometimes rotating 90º and throwing everything out of whack.
many 3d features like cones and spheres and cylinders will not be found by the comparison tool automatically.

Full disclosure, i had Jason J at Zeiss Brighton training facility put a bug report in for cad model comparison not actually doing anything, it was put in thru the official channel and not the old forum route. after roughly 6 months the final verdict was that comparison works fine, it must just be our fault. case closed.
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  • 2 weeks later...
I dealt with this issue last night. I didn't have time to re-write the entire program. I wanted to use a current program and just update it with the newest CAD which included all of the latest revisions. I deleted the old model from the program folder and then uploaded the latest model into the program, but the rotation was off and the the location was way off in space. Using CAD model transformation, I started by rotating around Z-axis 180°. Then I noticed may Y-axis rotation was way off as well. Once I calculated how much my rotation was off, I got that rotation set correctly. Lastly using the differences calculated from from my Datum B nominal locations from the current program and from the revised model, I got Datum B set correctly. I then double checked to make sure Datum C was in the correct location. Always get the model rotated correctly first before you work on the location. If anyone knows a faster or better way, please let me know.
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You do not need to delete the CAD file through the program folder.

Do this instead:

1.) Open a new program and import your new model and use CAD transformation to position it into the proper position. Save this program. You can delete it later.

2.) Open your original program with the outdated model. Now go to CAD/ View/ Delete and the model will be removed.

3.) Now CAD/ CAD File/ Load. Navigate to the program you created in Step 1 and select the model.sab. This will load the new model in the old program. Suggest you save the program as a new name, i.e. new revision, here, in case the step causes some problems you can return to this spot

4.) Now click on CAD/ CAD File/ CAD Model Comparison. Here you will set the comparison tolerance value and click on Comparison.

You will see one column divided into 2 sub columns, Features inside tolerance and Features outside Tolerance. As you select the features outside the tolerance you will see in the CAD screen where the feature currently exists and you now select on the CAD model where you need it to be.

Verily painless but not without its issues. You may end up wanting to recreate some of the features. It might just be easier with some features.

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The problem I had when I first tried this was that I could set up the new part as originally viewed but I couldn't figure out how to set it to the base alignment. My fix was simple.

1. Open a new measurement plan and save it with an easily identifiable name like "insert part#17" or whatever.
Load the new part and position it as originally done.

2. Set a base alignment as originally done. There is no need to name any of the datums, they won't be saved over. I do set my clearance planes but I only do that because I'm neurotic about seeing red...

You're done here, save it and close it.

3. Open the original plan.

4. Delete the original model by clicking CAD / VIEW / DELETE

5. Load the model from the insert program above by clicking CAD / CAD FILE / LOAD then searching for and clicking the "insert" file and highlighting "model.sab" and clicking open.

6. Click CAD / CAD FILE / CAD Model Comparison , click Comparison , highlight all of it and click Apply.

When it's done, close out and save your plan.
You can now delete the insert program if you want. It isn't needed any more.
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