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Driving without workpiece


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We have a new project with a DuraMax inline CMM controlled by FACS. There will be running many similar shaped parts, so we use a PCM program for this.

Our startup team ask us if it's possible to run the program in a "without workpiece" mode, so they can test all the automation process. So the goal ist the machine just drive to all the measuring points without probing.

Is there any easy way to do it?

I tried some ways, but because FACS control the machine it's not that easy. At the moment FACS just open the inspection plan, and start it. We get an userfield value "without_part" which is either true or false.
I tried to add an "CMM system" coordinate system, then measure 1 point on the fixture with all other probing points as CMM positions in it. This only works if the plan is started with "Current Alignment", so if i want to measure real parts this won't work.

So ist there any way in Calypso to solve this problem?

Otherwise we have to call ZEISS team again to change their FACS software for us, I don't think we can do this by our-self so easy.
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Calypso can be fussy about stuff like this. It wants to provide information. If you're not asking for information, Calypso doesn't want to move. So, if all you want is the machine to move around, through the measurement volume, a single point with a characteristic on the top of the reference sphere is a minimum requirement. Inside the strategy for that point you can have as many CMM Position Points as you want. Your Position Points could be in the vicinity of where the actual points are going to be. Ultimately, though, you have to ask Calypso for something other then just running around.
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  • 2 weeks later...
So, I managed to drive around with positionCMM() commands in presettings and it works quite well. Only problem now is how to end inspection properly. If I use cncBreak() it will send an error to FACS of course. So I tried endInspection() command, but then it's stuck trying to generate an printout.
So, I guess this is because there's no calculated characteristics if i end in presettings. Is there any way to end inspection properly without any (real) result? FACS need a "good" result to continue without error.
I tried using result element already, but no luck...
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I have a sample part, so please stop spam here for your 3d printing stuff. The goal of this is to test the complete machining line automation.
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i'm not spamming you, i'm just wondering why having a part to run isn't a better solution for testing a program or line.
You said you have a printer......
Hey you can do what you want, or not.
You put a message in a bottle and threw it into a forum, sometime you may disagree with the HELP PEOPLE ARE GIVING YOU.
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Since you said you tried result element I am not sure if this will work or not, but perhaps it will since it would be measuring something, though not physically.

You could try making a result element to measure the temperature.

Using the formula
((getTemperatureCorrection().temperaturePart1 + getTemperatureCorrection().temperaturePart2)/2)*(9/5)+32

Will get you the temperature in fahrenheit, however since its a result element it may still not work like you said, but might be worth a try.
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