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Report Filename Not Found


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We recently upgraded to Calypso 6.6 and now whenever I attempt to run a measurement plan that previously worked, I get an error when Calypso tries to generate a printout report. I'm assuming a file path link broke after the update and now Calypso cannot generate these reports.

I tried updating the link under Settings > Environment > PiWeb Reporting, but that did not work. Does anyone have any suggestions or fixes to this issue? Our programs will not generate a print out until this is fixed.

Zeiss Capture.PNG

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Calypso 2018 seems to have a severe file path problem. Why it happens to some and not to others I don't know, but it's definitely there. We use server paths beginning with a double backslash (\\) and it cuts off one of them, making the whole path invalid. But this is probably not the only problem.
Zeiss is already on it, but have no information yet when it'll be addressed in a service pack.
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I didn't have any real problems!
I only had to change the file paths to communicate with Calypso 2018!
But I had to do that with all versions so far!
Otherwise everything works without problems 😃
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