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Special Button and Calypso 2018


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Was at a customers on Wednesday, new CMM with Calypso 2018 . The could not use rotate by angle in an alignment system by just typing in the angle. Every time you selected OK it would default to 0.0 (they use D"M"S). The only way I got it to work was formula, calculating the angle in rads. I haven't had access to a PC with Calypso 20187 so I am curious if anyone else is seeing this.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Here is an update on this.

I have gotten my offline seat to display the same issue. If your environment is set to degrees/minutes/seconds you can not rotate by angle it reset to zero after selecting OK.

The good news is I talked to Zeiss and it looks like the 1st service pack with fix the issue, just not sure when it will be released.

My work around for customers will be change environment to decimal degrees then change your angles in the program to degrees/minutes/seconds.
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Yeah, angles are totally broken. Try make a pattern with position list and change to polar... 🙂
There are so many skrewed up thing in 6.6 that I belive its done on purpouse to see how people react.

Best is to keep using 6.4 intill they release a service pack..
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