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Pictures to measurment plan


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Yes, after you hit "Run", find the tab "User Information". It will give you the file path to upload pictures, setup sheets, etc. Once you upload your file, when you click "user Information", your pictures will open up for the operator.
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You can use a batch file in your plan folder.

If the batch file name is...
"inspection_post_load.bat" the picture will show up when you open the plan
"inspection_pre_start_dialog.bat" the picture will show up when you press the CNC-Start button
"inspection_start.bat" the picture will show up when you start measuring

Example to show a picture with the CZViewer:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Zeiss\Calypso\opt\om\bin\winnt\czviewer.exe" X:\Userinfo\MY_PICTURE.jpg
("Path_to_CZViewer" Path_to_picture.jpg)

to show a picture with the Windows Viewer:


You can also show pdf, video or whatever you like
more info at Calypso-help (F1 button)
search for "batch"
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Yes,there is one, but not in Calypso

Close your plan.
Open the plan folder.
Edit the file "inspset" with (windows)editor and
delete the part

#graphicUserInfo ' ->' 'path_to_picture.jpg')

if you use autorun, do the same at file "autoruninf"
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You could also do this if you have pcm and like to edit while program is open.
It's also possible to define.
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