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Turn On/Off PDF, Measuring Points and Table Files options at run time


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I am looking for a way to turn off PDF, Measuring Points and Table File file creation dependent on which Mini Plan a user selects.
I assume PCM has to be involved, Butt Weight, there's more.
I don't have the full PCM option.

1. Are there parameters to toggle PDF creation at run time?
2. Are there parameters to toggle Measuring Points creation at run time?
3. Are there parameters to toggle Table File creation at run time?
4. I can not rely on operators to make the proper selection 🙄

Any help is appreciated.


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I am fairly certain this is not able to be done by modifying those settings via programming even if you are using PCM, however a workaround would be to alter the save path of the files depending on the mini-plan that was run, so that for any that you didnt want to save it always overwrote the existing file, whereas for ones you did want to keep it would use the incremental part number / date etc. in the name.

Without PCM I don't think this is going to be possible.
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All of that can be achieved by switching the boolean values of settings like "#resultToTableFile" between true and false.
An example:
Maybe, it can be done by putting a lot of "one liners" in ex. text elements and add them respectively to your miniplans. But just maybe, because I think you should benefit from setting the values before you calculate characteristics. Eg. program pre-settings. So, with out pcm, as Rick said. No.

But still maybe. Try it! 😉
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