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Need older release notes (if any)


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I'd like to know if there exists a service pack between 6.4.16 and 6.4.20 (probably 6.4.18 ?) and what the list of corrected bugs was.
If there is one and anybody has the release notes, please post or PM.
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I'm not 100% sure, but I think that after 6.4.16 went to 6.4.20. So the answer is no.
There were several patches though (6.4.1602/1603/1604). I have them all downloaded, but I don't know what improvements they make.
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Ok, thank you! I currently have problems with 6.4.1604 throwing "path not found" errors at me when I try to save a measurement plan. It always refers to the "runs" subfolder and I suspect this may rather be a Calypso than a Windows problem. I was hoping they might have mentioned it in the older release notes, because 6.4.20 only lists the fixes in that particular version.
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