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I got approved for Lev 1. Ill be taking the class up in Maple Grove. Anyone here been to the training?

Is it good? Anything I need to know or brush up on lol. I have seen the syllabus for the class and it looks pretty basic but asking just the same

I have heard that guys have passed the test W/ out going through the training...

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Yes, some of the things are pretty basic but there is enough of the little known items that get tossed in that keep it interesting. What I was quite impressed with is that the instructors don't know what questions are going to be included on the final exam. They get their final exams via email from only a few individuals in the entire country shortly before handing them out and they change them every time so no-one other than your classmates get the same exam - No way to cheat unless you copy one of your classmates answers. And if you do get caught cheating, both you and the person you're copying from get tossed and you have to take the entire class over again to have another shot at the test - which will be different than the one you took the first time.
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Great feedback thanks.
Yeah I will not have wandering eyes lol. I am going up to Maple Grove in Oct hopefully before any snow hits. I will try and go back for lv 2 next year in the spring.
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