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Problems with writing a program from a print only


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I haven't really needed to do this, so,I'm having some small problems. I am writing programs for our other location. I usually don't have a part, so I'm writing from the print only. We do mostly cylindrical parts and over the years we have developed some standards about how certain things are checked. Part of most of our programs, involves recalling the points from multiple circles into a cylinder. The cylinder is usually used to check cylindricity, but sometimes used for total runout. Problem is I get no results recalling feature points until I actually have feature points. So the cylinder has no dimensions to it.

I'm sending these programs to a very qualified operator, but not really a programmer.

Any ideas? Is there a way to populate points within the program?
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Are the parts your measuring OD's, or ID's? If OD's, could you simply measure
a gage pin on any size, save the points.

Go in and edit the actual saved points (if Calypso will let you, it just a txt file) to
match the nominals you need.

Then recall those edited actual points into the new program? Does that make
sense, or am I way off here?
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Change to simulation mode and execute the program. It will generate points at nominal (unless you specificy a deviation standard) at the completion of the program. Same as using an offline seat.
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+1 Jeff
Go to Extras>Settings>CMM and click on the "Simulation Only" box and hit Connect, the cmm will establish an offline connection and let you run the program.
To get out of Simulation simply unclick the simulation only button and hit connect again.

Before going into simulation, physically load the Stylus system of the program you are going to run, if your program uses multiple Styli, load the stylus that will be in hand when the program is finished.
Reason being, when you run a program in simulation, calypso treats it like an actual run. So when you run a program, then bring Calypso out of simulation, whatever Styli the machine ended with in simulation will be what Calypso will think it has in hand.
This caused me problems more than once before i got my offline seat.
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Or, if you have a 3d printer you could just make a part to test out your programs, thats the best way to know of a program will run when it gets to production.
Hit me up.
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