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Default number of hits in a slot


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How do I change the default number of hits in a slot. Currently slots come up with Semi-circles set to 5 and Longitudinal sides set to 3. I want to change them to 6 and 4.

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Go to strategy, double click on slot, make sure number of points is selected, then just change them to what you'd like.

But if you know that already, is the option grayed out or something?

Edit: Just realized I misread your question. And unfortunately, don't know how to answer it. If you go to extras->settings->measurement->features, what do you see for your slot? Mine has a default value of 6. When I change the value on this screen, the actual feature strategy doesn't change though.
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I want to change the default settings. I don't want to have to change them for every slot. I would like them to load as 6 and 4 so that I get three hits in each end and two along each side by default.

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Clarke, Those settings are for the Automatic Feature end functionality. It works by creating the feature first from the Features menu, then open the feature and start taking points. When you reach the number, it automatically closes the feature.
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