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Autorun Locations


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I'm pretty new to Autorun. I have a rusty and trusty older program. I've created a pallet to check 4 parts, spaced 3 inches apart. Part 1, checks fine. Part 2, checks fine. For part 3, the machine goes to part 4's location, and checks part 4, thinking it's part 3. For part 4, it drives off to where part 6 or 7 would be. Again, I don't know a lot about this.

Contoura G2
Caly 2017 6.4.08

Here's my Pallet Parameters:


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Your pallet alignment might be the root cause for this. In Calypso, create a new part program and build the alignment on the holding fixture that you're going to use for this pallet. A Plane, Line, Point alignment is fine. Save As "Pallet Alignment" and close. Now get into Autorun and create a new pallet. Use the alignment for Pallet Alignment and you should be okay.
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Another common problem is using "partalignment(cnc)" as your part alignment. That will cause the issue you described. You should always use the non-cnc version as your part alignment.
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On the AutoRun page, select the pallet icon and click CNC button at top. This is the Run window where you would activate your reports and stuff. Normally, you would do this in your single part program in Calypso and it would carry over to the AutoRun portion.
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AutoRun is like it's own little universe. It makes sense once you get used to it. Funny, that's what my wife says about living with me. Anyway, with AutoRun you can have a setup where you are running regulation Calypso all day long, then when second shift comes on, you switch to AutoRun, and they can get parts measured with minimally trained personnel. With Calypso having one set of reporting tools called up and AutoRun having a different set, it's just a few mouse clicks to do the changeover.
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